Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ode to clever friends...

I feel a little inspired this evening. It is raining very heavily outside and I have 'Amelie' playing on TV in preparation for my french birthday. I don't speak french, so i do have to look up at the subtitles every so often, but its enough. And I have been spending time with some very, very talented friends.
These stunning items are the ridiculously good-looking business cards made by Dee. Every time I look at them, I want to inhale them. They are perfectimondo.

Now this precious Chocolate Mousse was also made by Dee - if I were you I would rush to her blog, befriend her and see lots of her baking and creative amazingness. GO!
Ring-a-Ding-Ding! Look at this stunning posy I came home to yesterday. Bex, you are a cleverbum!
And these stunning creations were a gift from a new but quickly becoming obsessed with friend, Laura. She understands my love for all things Kiwi and does the best hair styling in the entire world. You heard it here.
I love you Clever Friends! This is just a small sampling, in the last 24 hours, of my clever friends for they are legion!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Anticipatory Anxiety...

I hope that's the phrase I was looking for - the one that means being stressed about what is coming up. If that's not what the Title actually says, that's what I mean. 

In 7 days (whetu in Maori, chut in Cantonese), I am hopping on a big bird (a lovely Cathay Pacific safety rated bird) and heading to London! This will be the first time in nearly 2.5 years since I saw one of my absolute FAVE's in the world, Mari. Then I will also be staying with one of my other absolute FAVE families, Dan, Ali and perfect niece Naomi. 

I am away for 5 whole weeks - thus the anticipatory anxiety. Not so big at being away from Mark for that long. Yup. I was that homesick child.

 So, as I wind down from exhibition and get wound up about the amazing holiday in London, Bristol, Sheffield, Paris etc etc, I have taken some photos of the things I love around my house. Then I can look back on this post whilst drunk in Paris and cry about how cute my cats are and wonder if my orchids are surviving! I only have one pic of 'the handsome' to add, and sadly, it was not taken at our home!

I hope you enjoy these sneaky peaks into Chateau Gregan...PS. the little number up there is my cute puss, Ronaldo. He really is something to behold!
This is a little peak from our kitchen window.
My planting area in the sunroom.
This is my favourite collection of Crown Lynn jugs.
My troupe of orchids growing in sphagnum moss.
Our living area lampshades.
One of the best paintings I picked up at a junk store.
Stella - too cute for words. I could inhale her.
Ahhhh, Mark...RingaDingDing!

Day 68: 20 July 2008
Tip 7: Re. Anticipatory stress and anxiety - what is the worst that can happen? Then when I work out that all I am worried about is actually just experiencing the feeling, I tell myself the truths of the situation. Keep replacing the lies with the truths when they come up. Spot the old counsellor in me??!! I did this a LOT before the exhibition. 
Tip 8: Re. Pretty things - I am gonna take a quote from James Dobson here, who reminded us that women are re-energised when surrounded by things of beauty. Natural or otherwise, I love being surrounded by things and people and landscapes that inspire me. I hope some of the items above have given you a bit of 'umph' for the day. Well, worst case scenario, it worked for me! ha! 

Take care friends xx

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Exhibition - tick.


So sorry for my long absence...who would have known how much goes into an exhibition, and the recovery required after?! Seriously, I take my hat off to the wonderful event planners of our world - Hail oh Organised Ones!

I am not sure how many variations of 'focused' behaviour exist, but I predominantly fall into the basket labelled 'Bossy focused person with exact idea of what they want'. That is what I was like right up to the day of the exhibition. Actually, until the night before.Thank you God for Gin and Tonic, really, thank you. And for patient husbands. And understanding friends who don't respond in terror to maniacal behaviour and emails. And for obsessive prior organisation, four incredible, focused and patient women who helped me set up - phew - and a lovely hubby who became 'runner'. Because, truly, I moved from the above basket to the one labelled 'Stands wide-eyed and provides unintelligible responses'. was a great night! I actually didn't want to leave at the end. The place looked ridiculously incredible - it did. I mean it. Wait till I get the photos to prove it (thank God also for fellow bloggers who remember their cameras when you don't!) - you too will agree that it was bloody amazing!!

To top it off, Cigana did a great job of the food (see below and drool in envy) and we had three handsome young guys making and delivering coffee! And they cleared up afterwards with their lovely mama.

So, check out the photos below .Mark remembered to take some photos so we got five which I have tried to turn into as many as I can with my tricky skills. And for the amazing people in my blackboard heart above, thank you thank you thank you. Arohanui. Especially to Dee - the most amazing graphic designer who created my business cards (which are the BS logo above). And the poster to the exhibition - I will be putting that in the next post. Dee's work rocks my world, Whoop whoop!

I will write up my tips for the adventurous-hearted when I post the rest of the photos of this most auspicious event! Thanks for reading. x