Tuesday, January 11, 2011

for the love of kiwiana

merry christmas!! and since i am SO freaking behind in blogging, really truly, happy 2011. i hope you and yours had a safe and happy holiday period.

i've been thinking about my lack of blogging and realised that its become exaggerated since i stopped my 'making a major success out of my small business' theme. i need a new theme. i'm a projects and guidelines kind of Sheila. i need a regular shove of motivation. and i need something to write about. don't you love how self-aware i am? please tell me i am not the only one who struggles with being self-motivated.

that's what i love about the new year actually. i really like resolutions! my big resolution for the past couple years has been to wear heels more often, and it worked. i do wear them 'more often'.

anyway, new years resolution no. 483 (or thereabouts): create new blog theme.
new years resolution no. 484: post new blog weekly.

for the record, one is supposed to blog about something they are passionate about and know a bit about. other than being passionately anti-red-light-runners and the lotteries commission, i'm obsessed with kiwiana and spreading the aroha. that means love, and is pronounced with a rolled 'r' just by the way. yup, i'm a natural at this.

so...i pledge to write a weekly email about kiwiana. in search of kiwiana. all things kiwiana. wish me luck! p.s. i know its freaking late, but here is a wee taste of kiwiana christmas - cinema styles!


The Wilsons said...

Love, LOVE, L.O.V.E.!!!!!!!!!! Happy New Year to you too & looking forward to reading about Kiwiana from you!!!

Mariella said...

Great minds think alike on the heels front! I hadn't read your blog when I emailed you about that today xxx

alisha said...

Sweet! This is the perfect theme for your blog. And it's much more interesting than a blog devoted to the lotteries commission, though maybe that will be your next blog. I miss you and NZ and the greater world of kiwiana. :)

melissa-jade gregan said...

hello! Emma, you are too encouraging. dont stop - we love it!
Mariella, its true. cant wait to see fab shots of these new purchases. send send send photos.
and to Alisha, i miss you darling one! but, i will be momentarily filling your seat with the next american you sent my way! so soon you will be seeing photos again of our fave haunts...well those that not disappeared. some have i am sorry to say. cant wait to compare these photos to the ones on your blog! love love love xxx